Reefs? Walls? Fish, samll and big? Coral? Sea life? Visibility? What else can you add for a perfect dive? Cozumel, Mexico, has it all!
Located in the Caribbean Sea off the eastern coast of Mexico`s Yucatan Peninsula, with 48 km (30 miles) north-south and 16 km (10 miles) east-west, Cozumel offers everything a diver wants.
As many as 250 different species of fish can be seen in Cozumel`s waters; one of the most spectacular is the Queen Angelfish, possessing bright blue-and-yellow markings and the distinctive blue "crown" on the top of the head. You can even catch a glimpse of the Toad fish, found nowhere else in the world. Making it`s home in the holes along the reef, this fish grows from 12 to 16 inches in length. It has the distinction of being one of the world`s fastest eaters: it can capture and eat a whole fish in milliseconds- faster than the blink of an eye!
In addition to the colorful fish, Cozumel boasts some of the biggest and most spectacular sponge formations in the world. Fed by a continuous current bringing a steady supply of food to the reefs, some sponges, such as the Elephant Ear sponge, can grow as large as 12 feet across. Other sponges, like the Barrel sponge, gain considerable size as well.
Dive Cozumel... Dive Mexico