Boracay, Malay Aklan
Dive shop: Sea WorldLocation: Boracay (Malay Aklan), Station 1 (at the beachfront 100 m from D´mall to south)Instructor: Mathieu Notte (“Mat”)Course length: Around 1 month + possible internship
DMC Price: 55.000, 916€Price includes: DMC with PADI materials and equipment use, EFR Instructor course, Unlimited dives for duration of course
Price NOT include: PADI Dive master Application AUS$ 139 (2011, 104€) which must be renewed yearly, EFR Instructor application AUS$ 120 (90€), EFR Instructor manual AUS$ 89,40 (66€)
Diver diary
I will keep Diver Diary while having Dive Master course so if you´re interested on this topic so this diary could be interesting for that person. I try to be as objective and analytical as possible. Not forgetting that diving needs to be fun and stories also needs to reflect that fact. Also I will include experience of dive sites and of course Photos here in Boracay. Stay on tune !!!
Free diving
Selection criteria
Price, Quality of training (instructor), Quality of dive shop (facilities), Staff (friendliness) Size, Amount of customers, Multilingual, Career development, Dive shop reputation, Employment after course and location.
As a first thing I listed dive shops which were at the beachfront (White beach) between Station 3 (home) and Station 1. Based on that list I tried to search contact information and possible website from internet. What was a surprise for me that most of the dive shops don’t have websites or their website needs some improvement. I couldn’t find any contact information for 5 dive shops so it was clear that these dive shops base their business on direct contacts so I went to meet staff in 6 dive shops. I had some correspondence with 3 of those 6 dive shops.
Here are some statistics.
Number of Dive shops: 34Contacted by letter: 19Personal contact: 6Answers (email and/or telephone): 5Websites: 17Contact information (telephone and/or email): 29
In this stage of my diver career I definitely need more dives and experience (Sea World offers unlimited dives during DMC). Also I need to make sure that quality of training is good and I get along with instructor. Also price, possibility for DIC in same dive shop after DMC, number of customers and possibility to use my assets in that dive shop. I believe that one of my assets here could be multilingual skills (English, Russian, Finnish and Swedish). Sea World was established by Koreans 1993 so it has long history here. Also Sea World has PADI 5 star Career Development and Instructor course. Only Calypso and Sea World can offer DIC.
So I was ready to begin my DMC in Sea World ! I have a first DMC day at the dive shop tomorrow. I will begin my co-operation with Mat by fun diving with some customers tomorrow morning.
Dive Equipments
PADI recommends to get own diving gears at the beginning of DMC. This is not mandatory but it will help you to get used with your own gears and learn how to use, fix and remain equipments. Especially if you plan to continue work as a DM and/ or DI.
The standard equipment required for certified assistants (divemasters) by PADI Standards is as follows:
· Fins, mask and snorkel· Buoyancy control device (BCD) and low pressure inflator· Primary regulator and alternate air source· Breathing gas monitoring device (e.g. submersible pressure gauge)· Depth monitoring device· Time monitoring device· Dive computer or RDP (eRDPML or Table)· Instructions for use for dive computer or RDP/eRDPML· Compass· Knife/diver’s tool· Adequate exposure protection appropriate for local dive conditions· Two surface signaling devices – one audible and one visible· Quick release weight system and weights (the lead is provided by dive center)· Compressed gas cylinder and valve (cylinder and air fills provided by dive center)
I ordered 1 week ago Suunto D6 dive computer. It should be here in next coming days. By the way Suunto is a Finnish company.
Here in Boracay (D´mall) are 3 shops where you can buy equipments. Those shops are Aquaventure Dive supply, Asia diver and Cressi-sub. But of course some Dive shops has their own shops (for example Calypso).
I explored prices for full package. Price range is wide. It can be between 30.000 – 100.000 (or more) pesos (500€-1700€). I am planning to get a package which is around 45.000 pesos (750€). Fortunately I get 40% discount. I will write in more detail after I buy gears.
Tomorrow is a first DMC day and I cant wait for it ! Wish me a luck in my new career !