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Shark Week 2012
OceanicDreams - 8/12/2012 5:00 PM
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Shark Week has now been airing on the Discovery Channel for 25 years. Anyone that has been watching the last five years can attest to the degradation of the show year after year. Focused on sensationalism, it has lost its soul and passion that it once had way back when. Of course television has changed as well - in a time of "reality shows" such as The Real House Wives of (insert city of choice) viewers are more interested in plastic drama than quality, while the executives in ratings / eyeballs / advertising money. I guess the comparison can be made with The Real World (MTV) - remember the first season in NYC - compare that to the Real World St. Thomas (really???)

As I set my DVR to record the week, I am reminded of the past titles that are being shown as reruns, similar to those D horror movies that only make it to DVD.

But among all the blood, gore, and sinister sharks apparently there is hope for this 25th anniversary - at least that is what the industry insiders are buzzing about...a bit hard to believe when teasers such as the following are being aired:

JAWS will never die…

This year’s conservation partner of the show is Shark Savers – solid organization that brings a lot of credibility and a definite plus.

Hoping for a great week - one that will change perceptions.