Scuba divers are a different breed. If you are looking for a soul mate, you better know the right questions to ask before things get too serious. Here are a few important questions a scuba diver should ask on the first date:
1. Do you enjoy swimming or being in the water? If Yes, proceed to question 2. If No, get up and leave them with the bill.
2. Are you scuba certified or are you interested in becoming scuba certified? If Yes, proceed to question 3. If No, go ahead and enjoy the first date, but the most you’ll get is a good surface support buddy.
3. Is your family rich or do you have a high paying job? If Yes, congratulations, you just found the perfect dive buddy soul mate that loves to scuba dive and can afford to do it often. If No, you may not be diving too much or your gear will be sub-par, so proceed to question 4 to determine if it’s worth pursuing.
4. Ask yourself this question...Is the person across from me very attractive with a great personality? If Yes, you might just throw out questions 1 - 3 and say to hell with it. If No, this was probably a blind date huh?
Well there you have it. The only questions a scuba diver needs to ask on the first date to find the perfect dive buddy for life.
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