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No Air Can Be Bad
Greg - 5/17/2007 12:00 AM
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Category: Educational
Comments: 2
The 5 low-on-air/out-of-air priorities can be easily remembered with the phrase "No Air Can Be Bad".

No = Normal ascent
Air = Alternate air source ascent
Can = Controlled emergency swimming ascent
Be = Buddy breath
Bad = Buoyant ascent

On all ascents, except Buoyant, you shouldn`t ascend faster than 60 feet per minute (or just go slower than your smallest bubble). On the Controlled emgergency swimming ascent, if you run out of air to exhale and you`re still not close to the surface, you may need to ascend quicker.


Greg - 4/23/2008 4:01 PM
I guess so we can get to the surface quicker and start partying ? : ) I always teach my students, "no faster than your smallest bubble".
nauidiver - 4/23/2008 10:25 AM
I know your PADI but, NAUI says you shouldn`t ascend faster than 30 feet per minute (or just go slower than your smallest bubble). why is PADI 60?
- Dale