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Malcolm from Syracuse NY | Scuba Diver

Just retired in October 2023 and have a clean bill of health for diving again. Taking a refresher class this Friday and doing a dive on Saturday, July 13, 2024. I plan to start diving a lot more often in my retirement. Would like to have a dive buddy or several to go on dives with.


bottomrunner - 2/18/2021 2:02 PM
Hello Malcolm.
When this isolation ends, and you want to dive on some shipwrecks. We have a lot to offer here in Kingston. I would be happy to join you and your daughter on some awesome dives.

Q8Diver - 1/02/2021 2:13 AM
Hello from Kuwait and welcome to Dive Buddy ...... I wish you a great time here...Q8Diver
MalcolmG - 1/14/2021 9:27 AM