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Travis from Des Moines IA | Scuba Diver

Lifeguard Instructor, Water Safety Instructor Trainer, and merman.


traisjames - 5/25/2021 11:35 PM
I made a 93% on the following quiz:
Emergency Care - CPR and First Aid Quiz
traisjames - 5/25/2021 11:31 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 3
traisjames - 5/25/2021 11:28 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 2
traisjames - 5/25/2021 11:27 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 1
traisjames - 5/25/2021 11:16 PM
I made a 90% on the following quiz:
Basic Life Support and First Aid Quiz