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Jason from Los Angeles CA | Scuba Diver

Hello, I`m a 27 year old PADI rescue diver and love getting out to explore new sites and areas. I`ve noticed a lot of divers are 1) twice my age and 2) male. It`d be cool to find a scuba diving girl who likes it as much as I do. But I`m down for any cool adventure- if somebody has a boat and wants to go on a long sailing/diving trip, I would soooo love to do that. You only live once, right? I don`t want to settle down- I want to stir things up. I think there`2 basic types of divers- the ones who are more interested in the gear/machines/equipment, and the other type is the ones who are drawn to the marine life and natural aspect of it. I`d put myself in the 2nd category, for sure. I really enjoy kayak diving and doing something that very few other divers do. I like photography, night diving, and some hunting (especially during lobster season). When I`m not diving, I like to read, play sports, go sailing, hang with friends, play guitar, etc.


badintexas - 1/31/2013 9:49 AM
Any dive sites near you that are not listed on DiveBuddy yet?
sbar1958 - 3/11/2008 9:46 PM
Welcome to divebuddy and hello from Oklahoma.
tazzer9797 - 3/11/2008 3:11 PM
Hey Jason...Welcome to YA ON THE BOTTOM