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Henry from Sacramento CA | Scuba Diver

Hi Divers, I have a 12ft rib with a honda four stroke 30hp, good enough for the california coast. I use it for snorkling,scuba, and occasional salmon fishing. I`d like to share driving, and washing chores, your boat or mine. I love to hunt, mostly snorkling, but occasionally I scuba,and definately a safe, fair wether diver, I like ocean cove area, fort bragg, and monterey.


divn4fun - 2/10/2013 12:55 PM
I’ve done a quick search of the areas that me and my dive buddy dive, and I don’t see anything in the ca north coast areas, like ocean cove, sea ranch, albion cove, mendocino headlands, fort bragg areas. it would appear most of the divers are more "warm" water critters. I have addapted to colder rougher type of waters, also to the warm water. I like both because you see things in colder water that you may miss in warmer water...
badintexas - 1/31/2013 9:49 AM
Any dive sites near you that are not listed on DiveBuddy yet?