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Jim from alameda CA | Scuba Diver


I am a PADI and NAUI Divemaster - I have been diving since 1988 and most of my training has been with PADI. I have been a member of PADI for 18 years now and love helping with classes and the occasional boat DM and dive guide. Memeber of the Roddenberry Dive Team, and have been diving as much as possible.

Dive Gear:

- Dive Rite Hurricane Reg - Dive Rite Trans-pac with Wreck Wing - Whites Fusion drysuit - APS Mantaray white fins - HP steel 120’s preferred (not doubles - just have 3) - Sanyo HD1 with Epoque housing and 2xNocturnal SLX 800 lights - 29cf pony with Zeagle razor reg equipped with an air buddy