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Comal River Dive
scubaman - 3/14/2009 2:39 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Want to go to the comal river this monday March 16th, anyone interested?

Weather channel predicts 80’s and not much wind. I’m retired, so I can go anytime. Let’s get wet!!!
Greg - 3/16/2009 11:43 AM
I was just at the Blue Lagoon this last weekend (water was 58 degrees). Comal river sounds fun...but no time for me yet. Maybe later on in the summer. I’m sure we’ll be at trash fest again this if nothing else, we’ll see you there.


RobertCF - 3/16/2009 6:45 PM
Retired? I wanna be that some day (of course, thanks to Obama, I’ll won’t have any money FOR retirement).
pitter - 3/16/2009 9:12 PM
Wish I hadn’t been working this day. I am in San Marcos and have a flexible schedule so keep me in mind.
trupr - 3/17/2009 1:55 PM
I’m sorry I didn’t get your post till today otherwise I would have met you. Me and a buddy of mine dive the comal regularly will let you know next time we go