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Houston area this weekend 10/18 10/19
mataichi - 10/17/2008 11:30 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Might be a little late to ask on Friday morning but anyone want to dive in the Houston area this weekend?
Greg - 10/17/2008 12:23 PM
I’ll be teaching like one or two students this weekend at the Blue Lagoon (Saturday around 2:30pm, then again on Sunday around 11:00am). Send me a private message and I’ll give you my phone number if you want to join us. Another diver is joining just for fun also, maybe you two can buddy up while I teach. Later, Greg.
mataichi - 10/18/2008 7:55 AM
Something came up and I can’t go today and probably not tommorow now. If I can go tommorow I will go to Blue Lagoon though.
Greg - 10/18/2008 10:43 PM
I’ll be there from about 11 until 5 if you can make it...probablly Lagoon 2 since Lagoon 1 may be murky tomorrow. Later, Greg.