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Online/Webinar/Elearning Courses (COVID-19)
roebot90 - 4/09/2020 5:16 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 4

Post your Online/Webinar courses that you know of, whether it’s free, discounted, or otherwise.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, many shops are trying to offer as many courses as they can online, through webinar’s and other platforms. This helps the divers stuck at home to continue learning, and helps our LDC’s through this difficult time.

If you know any agency who is offering e-learning courses at a discount, or shops who are offering classes via the internet, please post them below for everyone else’s benefit.

The intent of this post is NOT to support one single shop or agency. I’m posting this for EVERYONE’s benefit. If you have an issue, PM me.

RAID (Rebreather Association of International Divers) is offering all of the e-learning courses for free.

Salisbury Scuba-Salibury, NC offering until June 1st:
SDI Equipment Specialist Course (Webinar)-$99
SDI Nitrox (Webinar)-$125
TDI Nitrox (Webinar)-$150
POC: Greg Culp-(704)-239-8657 to schedule

Let’s support the LDC’s and the industry!
MDW - 4/10/2020 11:51 AM has a full curriculum of online courses available. A small subset is free (if you provide them your email address), in hopes you will like it and buy the rest of the set.
MDW - 4/10/2020 11:54 AM
seanw - 4/12/2020 9:09 PM
SSI is offering their science of diving cert for free. If you don’t have an account with them, sign up and contact an SSI dive shop to get it added. If you have trained with them you may already see it online.