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All Female Courses
Div4fun - 2/22/2010 12:38 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 11

It seems that some women shy from diving because of the swimsuit or neoprene. They seem to feel better with all females in the class. Since my wife is an instructor she has considered this. The question comes about the assistants (we are all male) This survey is for the ladies. Would you prefer:
lreese2 - 4/25/2010 5:01 AM
[Choose #4] I don’t care as long as they are qualified. I’m not in it for the fashion show.
UnderWatercolours - 4/20/2010 11:22 AM
[Choose #5] None of the above. Has nothing to do with the swimsuit or neoprene! And I LOVE how I look in my swim gear, but that wasn’t an option.
MBaydiver - 3/14/2010 11:27 PM
[Choose #5] that’s fine till you get on a boat where there a more males, what are we to do get of the boat