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Must do sites California and Hawaii?
Gillian-UK - 6/11/2018 4:13 AM
Category: General
Replies: 5

Hi - I’m a Brit planning an extended trip to the west coast of America and Hawaii primarily to dive. Looking for advice from the experts out there of the ’must do’ dive sites and places to visit. I’ve over 1000 dives and been at it for 20 years. Will probably bring drysuit and computer and hire the rest of the gear - but could bring it all if that was the advice. Happy with up to 50m and accelerated deco but also happy with the easy sites too. Like intact wrecks with lots of life on them but also a but excitable about the kelp forests. Looking to navigate myself away from the novice sites with lots of flailing newbies.... I do a lot of teaching and ’looking after people’ when diving at home so I’m after diving outfits and buddies that are competent, slick and neat divers. I’m a 3 star CMAS diver/instructor or BSAC Advanced instructor.
Smithsgold - 6/11/2018 10:14 AM
Lots of Good diving spots around Monterey California either by boat or land. Plus there is the Monterey Bay Aquarium to visit also .. and yes the water is cold !!!!!! a dry suit will keep you nice and warm or a 7mm wet suit !!!
Gillian-UK - 6/11/2018 10:22 AM
Thanks smithsgold. I really don’t do wetsuits (ghastly things) unless we’re talking 3mm shorties. My aqualung fusion is super lightweight for travel but can be undersuited up for the arctic. I’ve heard monterey bay is a must thanks. Cold water brings lots of life! 😁
jniery - 6/14/2018 11:08 AM
I am far from an expert, but here are two dives I did recently in Hawaii on the Big Island. Don’t worry about the currently erupting volcano, it is on the other side of the island. See Jacks Dive Locker in Kona for the Manta night dive and the Pelagic magic dive.