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The Uk
Peter1501 - 7/07/2008 1:44 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Hi guys and Gals , this is a great site and i hope it is making new buddies all over the world, i have two questions, Firstly has anyone managed to get together for a dive with anyone else from here??
Secondly anyone from the uk here???
Eve - 7/07/2008 7:13 PM

Hi there, have you chatted with MO, he is from the UK, if you do a search for divers in the UK I am sure you will find more then 1.

Greg - 7/07/2008 10:49 PM
Not only have people dived together from this site, but there have been divebuddy marriages. Coming soon...divebuddy babies!
mo - 7/08/2008 5:47 AM

Secondly anyone from the uk here???

Me and many others here from the UK, diving West Wales on the 20th you are more than welcome to come along.

Peter1501 - 7/08/2008 12:16 PM
Great , its good that this actually works , you see so many ideas but becasue of the people on them they fail, and thanks Mo thats cool too