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On your back or at your side
MDW - 2/07/2015 11:56 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 15

Where do you prefer to carry your tanks? Consider all dive situations - in the water, out of the water, technical, recreational, open water, overhead, etc. Is there one prefered way you like to dive or do you switch it up based on the situation?
The choices below are such that I would like to see an explanation in the comments section no matter which option you select.
Smithsgold - 5/27/2016 5:53 PM
[Choose #1] back mount
DiveBuddyChgo - 3/12/2015 4:57 PM
[Choose #1] Back mount is easier for all types of diving. Side mounts are very hard to handle on a boat/rough waters but excellent for calm conditions like cave diving with small squeeze threw areas.
tazzer9797 - 2/17/2015 8:13 PM
[Choose #5] I dive all 3 set ups. (single, double,sidemount) . I look at sidemount diving as as tool as I do the other 2 ways. Depends on the type of diving I am doing. Dont limit yourself by staying with just one type.
john_f - 2/09/2015 2:33 PM
[Choose #5] Depends on the dive. Use the proper tool for the dive.
tstormdiver - 2/08/2015 8:41 AM
[Choose #1] Although I have a sidemount system, I am much more comfortable in backmounted doubles. I feel better balanced.
Eric_R - 2/07/2015 1:15 PM
[Choose #1] I haven’t found the need for anything else yet.
MDW - 2/07/2015 12:02 PM
[Choose #5] I do both, depending on the situation. Backmount in cold season or deep tech dives (more weight to sink suit and deco bottles at sides) I side mount in the summer and for more recreational dives and when flying (lighter gear, easier entry, mobility