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Wanted: old dive theme shirts!
FrankieD - 5/05/2014 1:19 PM
Category: Ads & Offers
Replies: 5

Wife has been on a quilting spree and recently took her fathers old military and VW club T-shirts and made them into a quilt. I got the idea to do a dive themed quilt but lack the shirts. So, if you have any old t-shirts with dive theme prints on them, I’d be super happy to take them off your hands!
dontdiveenuf - 5/06/2014 10:58 AM
If Greg donates a DiveBuddy shirt to the cause, will it be featured prominently in the center?
FrankieD - 5/06/2014 1:06 PM
Sure!!!!!!! In fact, if he donates 2 shirts and I get enough over all shirts for two quilts (about 24 shirts total), I will sweet talk the wife into a complete second quilt that Greg can keep, auction off, or hold some contest and give it away as a prize!
Greg - 5/07/2014 5:16 AM
I have a bunch of old DiveBuddy shirts, and I was thinking about donating them...but I thought you wanted older ones with more of a dive scene, like fish, underwater, etc. If any of the old shirts we’ve had on DiveBuddy will work for you, send me a direct message with your address and I’ll mail you some.
Scubadad2 - 5/13/2014 5:56 PM
What about a Dive Pro Logo’d shirt?
The collar is worn out and I can’t go out in public without raising eyebrows. Just let me know where to send this thing.
FrankieD - 5/14/2014 5:16 AM
Scubadad2, I am not at all picky. Wife love diving and quilting and I thought it would be a great project for her.
I try to hit up the thrift shops and Goodwill but being in South Texas, there aren’t a lot of scuba themed shirts floating around. I figured we could give new life to otherwise worn out shirts.

I’ll PM you my mailing address if you would like to donate the shirt.