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Comment box has been updated and moved
Greg - 5/23/2013 4:07 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 1

Don’t freak out...but the Comment box on most pages has been updated to include your profile photo, and a single text box that you click if you want to post a comment. When you click the text box, it is replaced by a larger text box to enter your comment. I did this primarily to save space on the page.

Also, comments are sorted in date descending order, which means the most recent comment is at the top. So I moved the comment box ABOVE the existing comments. That just makes more sense.

Let me know if you have questions or comments. Just trying to improve things for us all :)
Eric_R - 5/23/2013 6:43 PM
I saw this today before you this post and thought my browser cache was playing games with me.LOL