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Looking for new methods of finding dive buddies
Greg - 2/27/2013 11:53 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 11

Here are your options that we have for finding a dive buddy now:

  • Post a new forum topic in the Buddy Wanted category. Title should include date and location.
  • Send a direct message to divers in the area you plan to dive. Use the Member Search page to narrow down the list of members.
  • Post comments on diver’s profiles that live in the area you plan to visit.
  • Add a new event to our calendar with information on where and when you plan on diving.
  • Find dive sites you want to dive and contact the members that are listed in the "Who’s Been Here" tab and see if they want to go diving with you.
Can you think of a better solution that we can develop that would make it easier for divers to find buddies? Maybe a feature that allows you to pick the divesite(s) and date range with automatic notifications that go out to all members that match the same divesite(s) and date range?

I’m just looking for newer methods of finding dive buddies. Any suggestions are appreciated. OR are the current options good for you?
lerpy - 2/27/2013 12:47 PM
Hey Greg, I have to say the methods of finding buddies on DB has been very helpful to me. Generaly I find posting a forum about where your going and when has been great for getting interest and the PM people. In fact I am about to throw another one up about buddies in FLA.

I have really found DB to be a great resource for all sorts of information on travel, places to stay, places to dive, equipement, everything.
Green_Achers - 2/27/2013 2:05 PM
I’m actually delighted with how the entire site works now. However, how about making Scuba Earth have an additional filter for ’Divers Looking for Buddies’. We can currently filter it to just show things like: Charter Services; Dive Clubs; Dive Sites; Divers; etc.
Greg - 2/27/2013 3:38 PM
From Green_Achers: I’m actually delighted with how the entire site works now. However, how about making Scuba Earth have an additional filter for ’Divers Looking for Buddies’. We can currently filter it to just show things like: Charter Services; Dive Clubs; Dive Sites; Divers; etc....
And how do you propose I keep track of divers looking for buddies so they show separately on Scuba Earth?
RichKeller - 2/27/2013 3:51 PM
How about a filter for the type of dive you want a buddy for?
Green_Achers - 2/28/2013 10:24 AM
From Greg: And how do you propose I keep track of divers looking for buddies so they show separately on Scuba Earth?
In our profile where we check how wonderful we are... we check things like gender, relationship, children, habits, LOOKING FOR A DIVE BUDDY, etc. One of these settings could be used in the filtering of folks looking for a dive buddy.
Roadking1 - 3/01/2013 3:46 PM
i am building a dive buddy from scratch. Just add water? she is an employee that wants to be a marine biologist. she is in a stable relationship in which my wife likes the boyfriend because they talk fish together. I got the boyfriend to spring for her lessons and Ive been adding a bit here and there her parents are chipping in $ for gear and we have a trip to Mexico scheduled later this spring. used Frequent flyer miles to get her plane ticket. my wife does not travel by air any more. so she is happy not to have to go on vacation. just another way to get in the water.
Greg - 3/04/2013 9:22 AM
What about a "This Weekend" page where you can quickly choose where you’re going diving this weekend (Fri-Sun ?), and others can see a map of where all dive buddy members are diving?
ErikJ - 3/05/2013 3:09 PM
Ooooh - definitely like that last option. Being able to see on a map all the sites that are being hit that weekend, with some way to contact the people that have RSVP’d for those dives, would be incredibly helpful.
RichKeller - 3/05/2013 4:19 PM
Outstanding idea!
RichKeller - 3/05/2013 4:20 PM
Outstanding idea!

From Greg: What about a "This Weekend" page where you can quickly choose where you’re going diving this weekend (Fri-Sun ?), and others can see a map of where all dive buddy members are diving?