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Log Book
PVK - 5/08/2012 7:22 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 43

Do you think it is important for a new diver to use and keep up on his/her Dive Log Book?
Eric_R - 5/02/2014 9:12 AM
[Choose #1] All dives should be logged whether your a newbie or a seasoned diver.
FritzMoore - 7/03/2012 3:36 AM
[Choose #1] All divers should try to maintain a good log book
Smithsgold - 5/22/2012 11:21 PM
[Choose #1] Yes & Yes again !!!!
Gini - 5/18/2012 2:44 PM
[Choose #1] I quit logging individual dives when I hit 1500 (12 years ago), but I still take notes about particularly cool places or things I’ve seen. It’s nice to be able to look back.
tardmaster - 5/12/2012 7:52 PM
[Choose #1] i log all of my dives as i volunteer at my local aquarium.
Divetromboneplayer - 5/09/2012 7:41 PM
[Choose #1] Shoud I log my dives when I dive as a voluniteer at an Aquarium?
Granitehawk - 5/09/2012 5:46 PM
[Choose #1] I still do it, helps me rememeber the dives
lerpy - 5/09/2012 3:30 AM
[Choose #1] Probably just reiterating what everone else has said, but yup log book is important to show your experience, as well it is great for looking back.
John_giu - 5/08/2012 5:38 PM
[Choose #1] many resort dive operators require dives within the last year get it stamped, or they will hustle you into a refresher course.
fasjr - 5/08/2012 5:08 PM
[Choose #1] You can review your history anytime
RAWalker - 5/08/2012 1:58 PM
[Choose #1] Not just new divers but even experienced divers can make use of their log book. You use it to configure your gear for similar conditions and it provides a proof of experience that may be required for more advanced training and certifications.
Ed - 5/08/2012 1:08 PM
[Choose #1] I use it to refer to when planning a trip to somewhere with similar conditions so that I know what I need to pack.
LONGTAILBDA - 5/08/2012 12:26 PM
[Choose #1] 25 years + worth of log books disapeared during 1 move; wish I had them. Along with my original paper cert.
SaintsReturn - 5/08/2012 12:23 PM
[Choose #1] I think everyone should keep up with it. It shows experience, understanding and more importantly, helps maintain your memory of dives.
Greg - 5/08/2012 11:19 AM
[Choose #1] I created an online dive log on DiveBuddy. Log a dive then check out the Dive Log Summary page, you’ll like it.
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/08/2012 10:38 AM
[Choose #1] It’s a ready reference for what weights you wore with what wetsuite and/or tank size and makes interesting reading on a cold winter night.
CallieJax - 5/08/2012 7:58 AM
[Choose #1] History of evey dive me and the wife make
dalehall - 5/08/2012 7:43 AM
[Choose #1] I love keeping a log book. Not only does it bring back memories when you read your entries, you can use it for reference if you haven’t worn a certain setup in quite awhile. It will tell you about your weight, how it was etc, from the last time.
Rich-D-Fish - 5/08/2012 7:27 AM
[Choose #1] Especially the new diver, who may need to prove his number of dives to qualify for further dive education.