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Pup - 11/14/2010 2:05 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 7"> src="" border=0>

Hi Gang!

I just finished my new second Scubaribbean music album and I’ll be releasing it at DEMA next week, while I’m playing for the crowd alongside my buddy Greg at ScubaRadio! I added a video medley of the album here on DiveBuddy so you can get a small taste of it, or you can always jump on my website and have a listen too at This album is full of fast, fun, party songs written by a diver just for divers! Right now I’m offering free shipping until the end of the month and special pricing on multiple copies so you can fill your dive buddy’s stockings as well! As always, thanks for your incredible support and keep makin’ bubbles baby!

All dah’ best!

Pup Morse, The Scuba Cowboy
Greg - 11/17/2010 8:09 AM
Great job man! I think you’re the only musician that specializes in music for scuba divers.
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/18/2010 8:15 AM

From Greg: Great job man! I think you’re the only musician that specializes in music for scuba divers.

We could use some fresh material! has put out quite a few scuba songs and best of albums just for divers but some songs are a bit dated mentioning "SkinDiver magazine", bangsticks and an underwater Polaroid! That’s a Moray is my moms favorite of his and she isn’t even a diver. If you have ever dove with Amoray Divers in KL you have heard it on the boats PA system.
MNDiveLady - 11/24/2010 8:56 PM

From Greg: Great job man! I think you’re the only musician that specializes in music for scuba divers.

Great Job Pup! I will be downloading soon to add to my dive music collection.

There is also some creative dive music by Eric Stone: Scuba Tunes Vol. I & II, then there’s Michael Tillman: Erie Diver Down, Check out the song "Party at the Bottom" how many famous names do you recognize? Last but not least is the Hawaiian Reggae of One Groove: Make Your Move. Where would you hear about "PPO2" but in the song "Diving in the Day." Makes me want to book a dive trip to Hawaii!

Pup - 11/29/2010 9:36 PM

Thanks buddy and you are absolutely right about that! No one has written any new stuff for us divers for almost ten years, prior to my last two albums... but the news is getting out now, cuz’ people were snapping them up at DEMA and I’m sitting in Fiji right now with the ScubaRadio gang, so life is good!!!

All dah’ best!

Pup - 11/29/2010 9:41 PM
From LatitudeAdjustment:

We could use some fresh material! has put out quite a few scuba songs and best of albums just for divers but some songs are a bit dated mentioning "SkinDiver magazine", bangsticks and an underwater Polaroid! That’s a Moray is my moms favorite of his and she isn’t even a diver. If you have ever dove with Amoray Divers in KL you have heard it on the boats PA system.

Thanks Raymond! Yes, I have heard and love the Barefoot Man’s stuff as well, just trying to keep our own little niche alive and kicking!

All dah’ best!

Pup - 11/29/2010 9:46 PM
From MNDiveLady:

There is also some creative dive music by Eric Stone: Scuba Tunes Vol. I & II, then there’s Michael Tillman: Erie Diver Down, Check out the song "Party at the Bottom" how many famous names do you recognize? Last but not least is the Hawaiian Reggae of One Groove: Make Your Move. Where would you hear about "PPO2" but in the song "Diving in the Day." Makes me want to book a dive trip to Hawaii!

Thanks for the kudos Miss Lisa, I truly appreciate it! Yep, I am familiar with the Scuba Tunes as well, but like I said they are all about 10 years old already, so I thought I would add some new stuff to the mix and kick it up a notch! Thanks for the other references, I’m going to check those out now. I see your from Minnesota... I’m originally a Michigander myself! Hope to hear from you soon!

All dah’ best!
Pup - 11/29/2010 9:49 PM

Hey gang, I noticed that the link to the Youtube medley of the album got whacked out somehow in the post, so I’m going to try it again here. It’s only 5 minutes long and well worth the look if you’re into DIVER MUSIC!

All dah’ best!
