I like the Dive Caddy. It’s designed to allow you to get all your dive stuff into a carry-on legal package. I have used it to fly to Florida and to Mexico with full cave gear, Backplate, Wing, 3 lights, fins, 2 or 3 regs, and a couple reels. It was hard to get the dry suit in there with all that stuff, but a wetsuit fit easily. Th eDive Caddy rolls out for loading. You arrange all your gear in the 3 or 4 sections, then roll it into a backpack. When you get to TSA, and the want to see what’s in there (and the WILL), you just unroll it and they can see everything without too much touching or moving things. Then you just roll it right back up in 90 seconds and move on. It will fit in the overhead, unless you are on a puddle jumper. You may have to unclip the top pocket and call that your "personal item" that goes under the seat in front of you, but now you still have ALL your gear with you in the cabin (don’t try and pack that knife, though), so you don’t have to worry about gorillas tossing it about behind the scenes in baggage handling (who remembers those Samsonite commercials). facebook.com/pg/divecaddybag/about/?ref=page_internal divecaddy.net (site may be down)