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My boat and I will be on the Travel Channel – Safety first
Tiara_270 - 11/05/2011 3:30 PM
Category: Event
Replies: 3

Well got contacted by the Travel Channel to film some episodes using my boat the other day.
Me acting only and it was not my boat for real that saved anybody , these are all reenactments of true events that have already occurred.

 Neat gig, these are for the show I made it home alive or I survived, not for sure what the show will be named yet. These are based on real stories, some of you may of heard of them or know the people that were involved. One story is where a man and lady went diving / spear fishing (I believe off the west coast of FL) and when they came up their boat was gone. They drifted for 24 hours before a boat comes along and sees them in the water (that’s me) and rescues them. The next one we did was off the East Coast, where 2 young teenagers took out a small sail boat with no sails or motor to fish and the current caught them and they drifted for 7 days before they are found by a passing boat (me again). This sure has really reassured for me the use of good safety equipment and being safe!! Doing another show next week, not for sure yet what it will be about. I will update air dates when I find out.
Smithsgold - 11/06/2011 11:20 AM


Let us know when they will air.
WarmWaterTurner - 11/06/2011 12:58 PM
Yep. I like the TC work. Please post the dates when you know!
Tiara_270 - 1/26/2012 4:30 PM
First show is Friday (01-27-12) at 5 pm I think, if any of you who know Rhonda from Birds Dive shop she is the actor I am rescueing in this one. This will be on the Travel Channel, the shows name is "I Got Home Alive"