DiveBuddyChgo - 12/23/2012 9:01 PM
B.A.S.C. will not replace any battery into an oil filled computer. The reason is simple. That is all about liability. And computer battery replacement is what they do. They won’t do the job and send it to ScubaPro. Then for sure its not safe enough for you to be diving with it. If there is any bit of air bubble in the oil. It may change the depth reading and mess you up. Even if you do everything correctly the algorythem is not that forgiving. Also no audio warning signals during a dive. B.A.S.C. charges usually $50 for any computer battery change. Otherwise oil filled computers are shipped out for $120. There are brand new computers now days that do a better job then that old $1200 computer for around $250 today. I sold my 12 year old UWATEC Alladin Pro with 60% battery life for $120 with no download accesories. Bought a 2 year old UWATEC Galaleo Sol/ tranmitter used for $700. And I can resell that in another 10 years easily with inflation for about $250. Also can replace batteries like a flashlight myself for $4.50.