DivetrainerPete - 7/08/2007 8:37 PM
Just to put things in perspective. I am a dive shop owner, with over 400 dives in the north atlantic off NJ. I was supposed to dive today but my gear was at my shop. I was set to use gear I keep at my house. Unfortunately I did not have my knife, light, backup light or reel. So even though I paid $85.00 to dive I blew off the dive, ate the loss and feel none the worse for it. Just due to not being properly equipped. Could I have done the dive? Probably. But I practice what I teach: Remember the basics of training: 1. Dive with a buddy, 2. stay within the limits of your training and experience, 3. it is Ok to blow off a dive if you are not comfortable for any reason. I hope your situstaion will assist some other new diver not to make the same mistakes. I`m glad you`re ok. Pete PADI OWSI 185950 www.divetrainers.com