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the ultimate d p v
SCUBASMITTY - 1/12/2009 8:43 AM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 2
Greg - 1/12/2009 4:32 PM
Man, you better hold on tight! I wonder what you have to do if you’re cruising down that fast and you have to equalize...all of a sudden you swing to one direction and run into something! Better take a course to learn this thing.
SCUBASMITTY - 1/14/2009 10:14 AM
as with any TOY , one should know before you go ! this is the rich mans dpv

padi’s cert would/should be mandatory on this baby...complete with gps and a speed-o-meter. but dont worry about hanging on, it will stop if you let go. its mainly for wave running I believe.