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Complete Scuba Kit. $1750 o.b.o see hyperlink below for pictures
Doc4975 - 6/20/2022 7:15 PM
Category: For Sale
Replies: 0

Complete Scuba Gear Package

Aqualung Legend Elite 1st stage and 2nd Stage with Octo

Scubapro Hydros Pro (Mens/Large)

Shearwater Perdix AI Dive Computer with Transmitter

Henderson 7mm Thermaxx Wetsuit 7mm (Mens/Medium)

Scubapro Twinjet Fins (Large)

Scubapro 7mm Dive Booties

Waterproof 7mm Dive Hood

Aqualung 7mm Dive Hood

Aqualung 7mm Dive Gloves

Scubapro 7mm Dive Gloves

Scubapro Dive Knife

Dive Mask with Snorkel

2 Steel HP 100 Tanks

Complete set of dive gear