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Blue Heron Bridge - Riviera Beach, This Friday, August 7 AM
LateBubbler - 8/04/2020 11:40 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

Last week was a bust, so trying again for Friday. High tide is at 11:39AM, so planning to splash in at Blue Heron Bridge around 10AM, arriving well before then to get a parking spot!

Any takers? Weather should be good.
LateBubbler - 8/05/2020 11:22 AM
Turns out I have a 9:30 AM appointment in West Palm Beach. May not be able to get to BHB early enough to get a parking spot and kit up by 10AM. May need to pick another shore dive that’s less dependent on tide, for later in the morning. Your thoughts? IM me.