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Looking for local dive buddy in Minneapolis area
ejfox23 - 6/04/2019 8:44 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

I am wanting to explore more local diving and need a buddy.
Eric_R - 6/04/2019 9:28 PM
I wouldn’t leave your email address. Users can message you through DB to your email if your subscribed to the thread.
Dereknoah42 - 6/04/2019 9:57 PM
I will be traveling and in the area 6/17-6/20.

I am happy to do an early morning/night dive. I am also free 6/20 afternoon (1pm - 5pm ish).

Let me know if any of these work for you
Greg - 6/08/2019 9:47 AM
I removed the email address. Thanks!