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Thinking about a Wing BCD for a single tank
puddle_jumper - 4/04/2016 3:18 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 13

What are your thoughts on using a wing style BCD versus a jacket one? I have used both before and wonder if investing in one is worth the money. I can rent a jacket BCD just about anywhere but I’ve heard the wing style offers better trim and buoyancy control. Is this true ?
Curtis - 4/04/2016 5:27 PM
If talking a BP&W, very true, and adds flexibility, and, set up properly, a lot "cleaner".

I traded in my jacket about 17 years ago, never looked back.

Currently dive 3 different wings, one for singles, small dubs & large dubs.

As for the lack of pockets, mine are on my wetsuit thighs, so no danglies.
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/04/2016 8:49 PM
I have a plastic Deep Sea Supply BP with a small wing for travel. Single tanks don’t rock on them!

For cold water I have a 6 pound SS BP and a bigger wing.

As for pockets, I have a pair of OMS weight pockets, each has a zip pocket and a small velcroed pocket so everything except the compass is in a pocket, sausage, strobe, marker light, mirror, slate, Jon line aka deco hook, knife, back-up light and sometimes offshore a water bottle.
dalehall - 4/05/2016 7:56 AM
Another vote for the BP/W setup. I did my O/W in a jacket and then used a back-inflate 3 weeks later for my AOW. That was much better for me and I used that type for a couple years. I moved to the actual Backplate/Wing setup about 7 years ago and I’m on my second BP/W setup (Dive Rite) now.
Of course, all that being said, you need to wear what you are comfortable wearing. If everyone says to get a BP/W but you don’t personally feel comfortable in them, use what you are comfortable with.
I don’t have extra pockets over and above the weight pockets. Everything I need is either clipped and attached to me without the use of pockets.
Greg - 4/05/2016 11:11 AM
Another benefit of a wing style BCD is the internal bladder can normally be removed for easier repair. So look for one with a zipper that allows you to remove the bladder.
Curtis - 4/05/2016 12:57 PM
From Greg: Another benefit of a wing style BCD is the internal bladder can normally be removed for easier repair. So look for one with a zipper that allows you to remove the bladder.

My single wing is a bladderless Halcyon 27# Pioneer (no longer made), going on 18 years old, only thing that’s needed replacement is the inflator, doubt it will die any time soon. The bladderless have the advantage of being easier to fully deflate.
puddle_jumper - 4/06/2016 4:30 AM
I have used a Hollis backplate and wing before though only for a couple of dives. The only thing I had trouble with was figuring out how to thread the harness onto the backplate. So far I have heard Dive Rite and Deep Sea supply mentioned, is there any particular product model you guys favor?
puddle_jumper - 4/06/2016 4:48 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: For cold water I have a 6 pound SS BP and a bigger wing.

As for pockets, I have a pair of OMS weight pockets, each has a zip pocket and a small velcroed pocket

I am a pretty large guy so having a couple of pounds in a backplate might not be such a bad thing. I have had trouble with keeping a traditional weight belt cinched up tight enough with thirty something pounds of lead. Especially in a place like Bonne Terre where the water is frigid and the staff wound up giving me a harness to use. Seasoft has a nice ditchable weight harness that looks very appealing, they seem to have the best rig setup that I have seen so far.

As far as pockets go I have not thought about that situation much but that sounds like a good way to go. I will check OMS and others out to see what is available. Thanks for the info.
JJL - 4/06/2016 12:41 PM
Being a large person too. Take a look at the Dive Rite Hunterpac, working real well for me, and less cost.
JJL - 4/06/2016 12:45 PM
Also using Dive Rite 32 lb weight pocket on BCD belt and in addition have weight pockets on cylinder.