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BCD recommendations
GunnarD - 2/14/2016 4:39 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 11

Newbie diver here. Would like recommendations for a first BCD to purchase. Used jacket style during training but heard from some that back inflate styles are easier to have good buoyancy control. Please advise. I appreciate the help.

Eric_R - 2/14/2016 6:46 PM
What kind of diving will you be mostly doing and where?
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/15/2016 6:45 AM
The reason Eric ask is if you are traveling to dive you want a lightweight BC, if you are thinking of going tec then you’ll need something that can handle doubles.

I like Back Plate & Wings (BP&W) because by mixing parts they can do everything. I have a plastic BP for travel with a 22 pound wing and a 6 pound steel BP with a bigger wing for cold water. Both BP’s have holes around the edges for hanging cannister lights, stage bottles, etc. Both BP’s can handle single or double tanks.

I can use the same harness, D-rings and weight pockets on both.

The good/bad thing about BP&W’s is you need to build them your self because the LDS will try to sell you what they have in stock.

You might want to go on a road trip to North East Scuba Supply in Norristown Pa. It’s like a hardware store for divers plus they have a nice selection of used gear that has been serviced by them.
OleCrab - 2/15/2016 7:22 AM
I use a lightweight BP&W, since most of my diving I have to travel to. Only dislike is the lack of pockets. I also moved my drop weight pouches from my BC to a weight belt.
WarmWaterTurner - 2/15/2016 9:26 AM
They all have positives and negatives......take your time. Do your homework. I have three - one vest, one back inflate and one wing. I like the back inflate and the wing the best. The vest has been retired to my students use now. The back inflate I use for teaching and open water. The wing is for when I’m diving solely for my enjoyment.
GunnarD - 2/15/2016 1:27 PM
Thanks everyone, Sorry for the delay but the administrator needed to approve me. My plan is to dive in warm water areas Florida and South. Nothing too extreme but hoping to just enjoy the beauty under the surface. Photography likely to be part of my experience. Are there any issues with stability on the surface with the back inflate BCDs? Logically it seems like the jacket style might keep you head up on the surface easier than the others.

WarmWaterTurner - 2/15/2016 2:40 PM
My back inflate is a Scubapro Nighthawk. It has trim pockets just behind the shoulders and down a little on either side. I keep a 1lb weight in each trim pocket to keep the unit from pitching forward. Works great. As for the jacket style - you are correct it does keep you head up but I eventually gave up the vest for something less enveloping and lighter - therefore the back inflate for the wing.
GunnarD - 2/15/2016 7:23 PM
Thanks for all the good information. It does sound like it is worth renting a few different BCDs before making the decision. One other variable that I’ve run into: Wondering if anyone has experience with the I3 system on some of the newer Aqua Lung BCDs? Looks like good for controlling buoyancy from any position.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/15/2016 7:56 PM
From OleCrab: Only dislike is the lack of pockets. I also moved my drop weight pouches from my BC to a weight belt.

I have OMS weight pockets, each side also has a large Zip pocket and a small Velcro pocket. They hold my strobe, sausage, mirror, marker light for sausage, line cutter, Jon line, folding snorkel, slate and back-up light.
RAWalker - 2/17/2016 2:03 AM
I agree that back inflator style BCD generally have better horizontal underwater characteristics. Many people however complain that at the surface they cause forward lean (face planting) This isdue to the fact that they learned to dive with a standard jacket style BCD. The standard style can be over inflated and the dive get used to being higher out of the water. This is not the intended use of any BCD which are designed to keep your head afloat so you can breath. When properly either style BCD will accomplish this without face plant.
OleCrab - 2/17/2016 8:54 AM
Lat, my BC (Oceanic) is a lightweight for travel. Comes with weight pockets on belt and tank strap is about all. Do you use the OMS pockets for weights or extra pockets?
DiveBuddyChgo - 2/20/2016 7:50 AM
Backplate and Wing.. Even for my single tank vacation warm water dives..