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DAN Scuba Insurance - Waiting Period
Greg - 3/05/2015 7:13 AM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 5

If a diver isn’t planning on diving in a while and they let their scuba insurance expire...can they purchase insurance again, shortly before a planned scuba trip...or does DAN require some sort of waiting period before its active?
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/05/2015 9:29 AM
Mine has expired a few times and I’ve renewed it online before dive season here in the NE or a trip, no issue or new DAN number. Just don’t try that with your car insurance!

Speaking of DAN, if you are going to any of the dive shows like say BTS this month check DAN’s website for $5 off coupons
mhdiver - 3/06/2015 12:41 PM
Tstormdiver, I just checked Dive Assure’s exclusions and it does not have a 10 mile restriction. Where the 10 miles comes in is the definition of a dive vacation. You cannot file a claim for airfare or lodging for activities within 10 miles from home. You are still covered for death or injury.
tstormdiver - 3/06/2015 2:58 PM
Maybe it is only for KY. I distinctly remember a notice pop up, when I last renewed in Jan., that said that I would not be covered for a diving accident within 10 mi of my physical address. I do not use their trip insurance, only dive accident insurance.
John_giu - 3/08/2015 1:58 PM
MY membership has lapsed between seasons.
Seems to me they always remember me and
as long as I re-up the coverage is active upon payment.
It would probably be a good idea to join as soon as you
book a scuba trip or vacation.
Like Latitude, since I dive locally I join sometime each season.
I’m not too worried about local diving, but would hate to incur
the expense of an accident out-of-country.
Then again take a look at how many deaths/accidents happen at Dutch Springs,
a place "where no one should ever have a scuba fatality".