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Good Topic: How to Tell if Your Scuba Instructor is Legit
OleCrab - 2/13/2015 3:27 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 4

A dilemma that every new diver will encounter is choosing a knowledgeable instructor.
Eric_R - 2/13/2015 5:34 PM
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook. Any reputable shop should be on facebook sharing their services and their instructors to connect with customers. You will be able to easily contact these users for their experience with the instructor. Lack of Transparency and public knowledge should be a red flag that an instructor is not that well liked. If the shop isn’t Internet inclined then ask for contact info for a few customers and get their opinion. Dive shops live or die on their instructors abilities so a shop not willing to give references should be avoided.
Greg - 2/13/2015 7:44 PM
Thanks Eric! I guess you forgot about DiveBuddy :)
Eric_R - 2/14/2015 8:53 PM
From Greg: I guess you forgot about DiveBuddy

Divebuddy is on facebook.;)
tstormdiver - 2/19/2015 3:29 PM
Interview the instructor. See how thorough they are. A good instructor will be VERY thorough & detailed & will follow the details. They will teach well beyond the minimums. Typically a 0 to hero class is not very thorough. There is a HUGE amount of information & most students just can not absorb that much that quickly. I refuse to teach a class with fewer than 10 hrs of class & 10 hours of pool time,.... minimum. I will only teach 2 hrs classroom & 2 hrs of pool at a time,... after that the students begin to get cold, hungry, tired & the learning stops. I want them to enjoy it, as well as learn the skills.