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NJ Dive Buddy Wanted to dive Shark River Inlet Wed Night 8-28 @ 9pm
Phil_D - 8/26/2014 6:15 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

I’m a certified diver with over 20 years of diving experience. I’m looking for someone to dive with these days in the Belmar to Point Pleasant area. My dive buddies are limited at the moment. Just dove Shark River Inlet (SRI) last night and would like to dive it again tomorrow night but don’t have anyone that can make it. So, if you’re interested, respond and let me know a little about your diving experience. If you’re interested in diving SRI or Manasquan Inlet but can’t make it tomorrow also respond.
m_grieco - 8/26/2014 8:03 PM
Phil, I have 0 NJ dives under my belt, but I have almost 60 dives around the world (Indonesia, Egypt, Hawaii, Grand Cayman, and North Carolina). Most of my dives were boat dives, but I do have about 10 shore dives. North Carolina was NJ type visibility from what I’ve heard (about 10 ft). I am off all next week (week of Labor Day) and if interested, let me know. I have my own gear (minus tanks/weights) but I’m sure I rent those from a LDS if need be. Also, what depth/temperature are these dives typically? I have a warm 3mm suit and a lavacore 5mm hood and vest (so 8 mm on my core)...think I’d be warm enough? I think I’d be good until about the low 60s...then I’d be too cold. I’m also an underwater photographer, and would love to get my camera in the water. Look forward to hearing back from you.
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/27/2014 4:43 AM
From m_grieco: Also, what depth/temperature are these dives typically? I have a warm 3mm suit and a lavacore 5mm hood and vest (so 8 mm on my core)...think I’d be warm enough?

I can’t make it tonight which is the 27th BTW :( What entry point did you use? I like A Street, less fishing lines to deal with.

Your 3 mil should be fine! Water temps are in the low 70s and no thermoclines before the bottom at about 22’, if you are diving the Avon side and venture out into the channel which is not a good idea you can hit 30’

If you are doing this next week let me know, I have an extra steel 63 which is enough for a beach dive and an assortment of weights.
gemiller - 8/27/2014 9:49 AM
I’d like to dive Shark River Inlet, but I’ve got a tight schedule for the next few weeks, was thinking 9/12 potentially?
m_grieco - 8/27/2014 7:08 PM
I can make any day (Monday-Friday 9/1-9/5)...thanks for the offer to borrow a tank/weights...that’s awesome. Like I said, I’m off all next week, so PM me with a time/date/location and I’ll be there.
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/30/2014 1:24 PM
How about next Sunday or Monday night for A Street?

Su 7 Low 12:00 AM -0.4 6:29 AM Set 4:39 AM 92
7 High 6:09 AM 5.2 7:18 PM Rise 6:16 PM
7 Low 12:18 PM -0.3
7 High 6:33 PM 5.9

M 8 Low 12:51 AM -0.7 6:30 AM Set 5:52 AM 97
8 High 7:02 AM 5.6 7:17 PM Rise 6:55 PM
8 Low 1:13 PM -0.6
8 High 7:25 PM 6.1

High tide is eary evening
m_grieco - 9/05/2014 7:15 AM
Want to aim for Sunday, meet around 6ish? I’d be coming from northern NJ, so I’d make a day of it and spend the day down there with my family. As I mentioned before, I have not done any NJ dives prior, let me know if I need anything special (equipment wise). I have my own gear, but if there is potentially something I’m overlooking (like a light due to low vis) let me know. I have a small Printon Tec light, used it for night dives/snorkelling in the tropics and I have dual Inon strobes on my camera rig I can set to continuous beam (I imaging they are pretty darn bright)...won’t be good for battery conservation, but if I needed it I have that available. If you’re able to bring that steel 63 tank and weights, that would be awesome. Let me know if you’re still good.
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/05/2014 10:05 AM
From m_grieco: like a light due to low vis

Hopefully the rain Saturday doesn’t lower the viz even more :( I have a NiteRider canister if you want to borrow it but I think we’ll have enough light.

Dive times here can be short because of the current so try to arrive earlier so we can begin entering just before slack high tide. There is an eddy at the bottom of the steps we can hang in until we can swim against the incoming tide.