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Need a buddy that has dove Shark River inlet NJ
Loustoy - 6/27/2013 12:02 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

I will like to dive shark river inlet. I only have OW cert but have dove to 71 feet at Dutch and had a great time. Someone told me that this is the easy inlet to dive. I have a 32ft boat in Brick NJ so I go down the shore almost every weekend. please call me if anyone can help me 551-404-3630. Thanks Lou
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/27/2013 12:47 PM
I’m probably going to be testing camera lighting at L Street beach about 1:30 Saturday afternoon but that’s not the inlet.

All diving in Shark River Inlet from all three entry points must be dusk to dawn and slack high tide just isn’t right this weekend although there won’t be many fishermen on the jetties at 00:30 :)

Tides for Belmar, Atlantic Ocean starting with June 29, 2013. Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

Sa 29 High 12:33 AM 5.0 5:30 AM Set 12:39 PM 64
29 Low 6:41 AM -0.1 8:29 PM
29 High 1:11 PM 4.9
29 Low 7:19 PM 0.6

Su 30 High 1:26 AM 4.7 5:30 AM Rise 12:28 AM 53
30 Low 7:37 AM 0.2 8:29 PM Set 1:41 PM
30 High 2:03 PM 4.9
30 Low 8:24 PM 0.8
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/30/2013 5:24 AM
Next Sunday high tide is just before dusk

2013-07-07 19:37 EDT 5.10 feet High Tide

For your 1st dive there you should probably do the A street entry in Belmar, get there early, some instructors use this for classes and you don’t want to be behind the student on the narrow steps who is having issues. Parking is limited and don’t block the driveway on the west side of A street, it looks like a fence. There are steps down into the water, there is a cove between the steps and the boat lift where you can get out of the current and sort things out or even decend and explore until the incoming tide dies enough to swim east against it. IF you are in a hurry you could swim as far east as the bridge, keep in mind your compass doesn’t work under it! Don’t end up in the boat channel. Turn around early so you don’t have to fight the out going tide back to the entry. If it becomes too much you can climb out over the rocks but it isn’t easy.

Next time, Avon entry under the bridge, more parking, easy entry, climb out, showers but more fishing lines to watch out for :(
Loustoy - 7/02/2013 5:24 AM
Thanks for the info. I will stop by there this weekend