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Rainbow River Drift Dive May 10th
Mason32054 - 4/30/2014 3:50 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

I’m wanting to do a drift dive on the Rainbow River Saturday May 10th. The cost is $35.00 through the local dive shop.
SantaFeSandy - 5/01/2014 4:30 PM
Mason, not to take away from your local dive shop, but I’m sure you realize that you can book the Rainbow River Water Taxi, for $50. right. so if you have 5 divers, that’s only $10. each with, plus the $5. entry fee. The captain will gladly take you back up stream for a reduced rate should you and your group like to do a two tank dive. Just sayin...

Meanwhile, why not join us at Devil’s Den on the Thurs. morning before, and or for the DD night dive on Sat. May 24th?
SantaFeSandy - 5/03/2014 3:56 AM
Here is the number for the Rainbow River Water Taxi. Tell the captain Sandy sent you. (352) 427-0457. FYI, it’s an official dive boat, setup for divers, so entry and exit, along with the ride, are quite enjoyable.
SantaFeSandy - 5/03/2014 4:10 AM
Here are a few pics from my last dive there Mason, you’ll see the water taxi in some of them.