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Texas Artificial Reefs Proposal Comments Period
Dutch - 2/05/2014 12:02 PM
Category: General
Replies: 3

If we want a signature wreck on the upper Texas coast we need to get as many people as possible to send in comment cards to let the trustees know that the effort would be worth it.

Please, take the time to make your voice heard. It has been said by numerous persons closely involved, such as Dale Shively - TPWD director, that our 500 petitions collected several years ago is the primary reason an artifical reef ship is even among the proposed projects. Let’s ensure they get at least a few hundred comments. You don’t have to write an essay or compose an award-winning editorial, simply state your support for an artifical reef wreck. Mostly they will just be counting submissions as a measure of community support.

I just submitted my comments which I’m copying below. Feel free to copy and paste them into the comment section if you’re having trouble coming up with something to say. Here is the link where you should make your comments.

"I am an active member of the Houston scuba diving community and am one of the hundreds who signed the petition for support of a ship reef project from the Texas Gulf Council of Diving Clubs. I support a diveable ship wreck in clear water; High Island, HI-424 with a target site 67 miles offshore in 130’ water could become a part of the MV Fling’s charter itinerary or any of the other charter companies. I do not feel the diving community would be well served by altering the proposal from the above mentioned diver-dedicated reef to just another artificial fishing reef. Thank you for your consideration."
RichKeller - 2/09/2014 11:54 AM
The new policy for using ships as artificial reefs may put this issue to an end.
Dutch - 2/09/2014 12:55 PM
I looked at that article and note that the organization which posted it is claiming "victory" with the announcement. And I can’t find any mentions anywhere else at all. I see this as a "red flag" for anyone wanting to have reliable info. The TPWD seems to feel there is nothing on the hand...
RichKeller - 2/10/2014 5:41 AM
These people have started a petition to over turn that decision.