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Login problems "Remember Me" check box...
Greg - 4/01/2008 1:11 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 2

Hey dive buddies! If you’ve been able to login with the "Remember Me" check box me out and try to login WITHOUT it checked and tell me if you can get in. I can login now that my cookies have been reset to the new site’s requirements (ie: I logged in once with "Remember Me" checked, now I don’t have to have it checked). I’m interested to see if you all can do the same. Please reply to this topic or send me a message with your results. Thanks! Greg.
MostestGanpa - 4/01/2008 10:09 PM
Greg I’ve tried several times but cannot log on without the check me box being checked..... not that it really matters for me....

The Mostest Handsomest says Hi!

Dive Well
Greg - 4/03/2008 7:24 AM
I think I just fixed this problem. If you still have problems logging in without checking the Remember Me check box, let me know.