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Whale shark swim from cozumel
sdsharkey - 10/30/2013 11:25 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Has anyone done the whale shark swim from Cozumel? I found one company named Blue H2O Cozumel, from Cozumel that offers the swim and they take you up to Cancun. Is it worth it?!whalesharks/c21or
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/30/2013 12:54 PM
I think they mean you ferry over to Cancun and then get bus’d up to Holbox.

The whalesharks are there during the summer and the fishermen discovered us Gringo’s will pay to swim with them which is more profitable than fishing. Only two swimmers from each boat and a guide in the water at a time, he’s there to make sure you don’t touch or block the whaleshark.

They don’t stop feeding and pose for pictures so you’ll want a dry snorkel because you are going to be breathing hard.

You must wear floatation, if you’re wearing the life jacket they provide you won’t be able to get your head under to see anything and you won’t be able to keep up so bring a wetsuit which counts as floatation :)

That would be a busy day trip, we stayed in Holbox for three days including travel time from CZM
tammer - 11/09/2013 1:20 PM
You can also go out of Cancun to Isla Mujeres, to the blue water, and see them there. The best time is July/August. And YES, worth it!!! I recommend Solo Buceo Dive Company, they are in Cancun and awesome.