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Scuba Earth - Changed Drop Down Menu
Greg - 5/02/2013 12:22 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 3

I changed the Scuba Earth drop down menu in the top bar to include links that filter the Scuba Earth map to find what you’re looking for.

For example, if you click "Find a Dive Center or Instructor", you’ll be directed to the Scuba Earth map where only dive centers, instructors and retail/service profiles will be shown based on the location you specify.

"Browse Entire Map" will take you to Scuba Earth and show everything in the location you specify (ie: dive sites, divers, instructors, dive centers, charters, events, dive clubs, etc.)

I have also grouped common items. Dive Club and Events will be displayed together. Charters, Resorts and Liveaboards will be displayed together. Dive Centers, Instructors and Retail/Service will be displayed together. Dive Sites will be shown by themselves. Scuba Divers (ie: Dive Buddies) will be shown by themselves.
Green_Achers - 5/02/2013 12:54 PM
hcdiveteambrian - 5/02/2013 2:00 PM
Looking good!
Eric_R - 5/03/2013 4:10 AM
Google api rocks!