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Diving the Med - Turkey, Greece, Italy & Croatia
RedRaider08 - 1/08/2013 10:32 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

Hey Y’all,
I’m planning a dive trip for MAY/JUNE 13 in the Mediterranean. I’m specifically
looking at diving in Turkey, Greece, Croatia and Italy. I know I want to dive
down in Fethiye, Turkey, but other than that I’m a blank slate.

I’m SSI Open Water certified with about 30 dives, so I’m not looking for anything too
extreme. Anybody got recommendations on sites/companies?
Greg - 1/08/2013 11:34 AM
I’ve never been here, but this place looks amazing!

Cape Kamenjak in Croatia:
RedRaider08 - 1/09/2013 4:14 AM
Oh, that looks awesome! Definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the info!
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/09/2013 5:25 AM
Had a email yesterday from a Greek liveaboard but the link was broken which seems to be a recuring problem when looking for info in that area :(