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Diving Monterey Bay this Weekend
ScubaSWO - 11/19/2012 9:14 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Hey fellow divers, I will be in the Monterey Bay area this weekend and would love to explore it with someone! I am looking for someone who is familiar with the area and is a very comfortable/confident diver. I enjoy boat and shore entry dives. Feel free to drop me a line if you are interested!
Greg - 11/20/2012 8:10 AM
For last minute buddy requests like this, it may be best to perform a Member Search of divers near Monterey Bay, then send a few of them a direct message. Have fun and dive safe!
ScubaSWO - 11/20/2012 8:16 AM
Thanks Greg!
Baos235 - 11/21/2012 8:27 AM
I plan to go to monterey bay in the middle of January. I am wondering whether you or others would like to plan for some shore dives. I am thinking about Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013.
ScubaSWO - 11/21/2012 8:40 AM
I will be around!
Baos235 - 11/21/2012 7:35 PM
Great. I’ll get in touch with you when it gets closer. Thanks. -Stephen
marvin7575 - 12/03/2012 4:14 PM
I often go to monterey to dive, like to meet dive buddies to go dive with
Baos235 - 12/06/2012 7:21 PM
I would like to dive at monterey bay on Saturday, Jan. 7. Anyone wants to go? I am from Washinton State and will get my plane tickets if there are people willing to go. Thanks.