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where is the best place to take snorkelers in the keys?
tshark - 6/20/2012 4:12 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

I have some non-divers visiting that we are taking to the keys for a few days & was wondering where the best place to take them might be? Thanks in advance Todd
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/20/2012 6:18 PM
I’ve taken some non-divers to the bird rehab center at the lower end of KL, small sign on bay side that is easy to miss. That can keep you busy for a few hours. If you go there after a dive rinse good, if the Pelicans smell fish on you it could get ugly :)

Atlantis takes out snorkelers and divers on the same boat which would keep you together, the downside is they will be shallow dives. Don’t tell him Amy sent you :) For those who don’t know she is Capt. Slates ex and she opened her own op just down A1A.

After a morning dive drive down to KW for the sunset celibration on Mallory square.

On the Ocean side of A1A in KL is Hobo’s, we always stop there for fish sandwiches.
tshark - 6/20/2012 6:21 PM
KL=Key Largo? we will have our own boat if that helps
dalehall - 6/21/2012 5:27 AM
tshark - 6/21/2012 5:01 PM
Yeah I am not crazy about the mass crowds there