Tweco - 5/26/2012 8:08 AM 
Untreated DCS can cause well an almost endless amount of things, i will list a few since i am not a novelist. If the "bubble" affected muscle alone it can resolve on it’s own free of issues, This is a huge maybe though.
Now if it had affected neural tissue such as nerves the damage could be much more permanent, Neural tissue can only survive about 10 minutes without oxygen so if the "bubble" has pressed on the nerve for 10 minute or cause a type of ischemic event that starved the nerve of blood for longer than 10 mins permanent neurological deficits could result.
My friend did a treatment of a Haitian diver who had been bounce diving his entire life off of compressor hoses (scary shit huh.) The man had issues his whole life really, but one day he just went unconscious which is when they sought out the help of my friend. They did a TT6, the man regained consciousness, full mental status, but now one of his legs is weak about 3/5 strength. This man will need a cane or walker to move around forever now. unless his body repair the neural tissue, probably won’t though. So this case here is a guy who probably didn’t know what DCS was and most likely had symptoms his whole life and just brushed them off as pains of age. But it reached a breaking point, Luckily they did a TT6 on him and he is a gimp instead of a corpse.
DO i know people who had DCS symptoms and let it resolve on it’s own yes are they idiots yes do they have unresolved issues years later? some do some don’t.
To dive medic,
wrong wrong wrong. firstly caission disease? really that was what DCS was called before they new what it was what caused it how to treat it, before we even understood the fact that diving increased partial pressures of gasses in the body. I hope you aren’t reading medical sources circa 1910.
TT6 is 285hrs! what is shocking here is not the length of treatment but how wrong you are.
The most disappointing thing is that you claim to be a dive medic i hope to god you don’t avoid treating patients soley on the fact that the treatments take a long time and i really hope if you do treat someone you don’t keep them in the tube for 286 god damn hours. You sir may kill someone one day. Get your head back in the books or find a new job were you can’t kill those in need of medical attention.