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Diving Ft Lauderdale Area
lerpy - 8/23/2011 10:16 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Hello, new to DiveBuddy, but it looks good, anywhere to get first hand dive advice is great.

Just booked a trip to Pampano Beach/Ft Lauderdale area for december, (yes I plan well ahead) and am looking for advice on diving in the area, dive operators and so forth. I have been in the Keys, but never in this area. Any advice is appreciated.

jlpskydive - 8/23/2011 10:33 AM
Lots of good things said about Jupiter dive center.
badintexas - 8/23/2011 1:43 PM
Check out this forum topic. It may help you out on areas..

If you have more specific questions, you can search for divers in that area and send them a message directly.

When you get back, if you will, write a blog about your trip for other divers who may be headed to that area in the future. Good luck and have a blast.