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Got me a Petrel2
lerpy - 12/18/2015 4:40 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 5

Finally took the plunge and bought myself a Shearwater Petrel2. Although it has no water use on it yet, going through the features, playing with it, planning etc, it is looking like it certainly lives up to all the recommendations. Really looking forward to getting in the water with it and really trying it out. May have to wait until I get to FLA in Feb though for that.
caves4me - 12/19/2015 4:46 AM
Enjoy your Petrel 2!
Eric_R - 12/19/2015 6:42 AM
Looks good.
tstormdiver - 12/20/2015 7:05 AM
Very nice computer. I have 2 stand alone Petrels & 1 as my rebreather controller. Shearwater’s customer service & support is very responsive & top notch.
caves4me - 12/20/2015 8:32 AM
A great controller for the rebreather folks and a fantastic dive computer for the open circuit crowd too!
Btrax - 1/06/2016 6:03 PM
Been diving with one for about a year now. Absolutely love it. great for rec, tec and ccr Good luck with it. am looking for a second one for a back up on tec dives.