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Gainesville, Fl
littlestar1157 - 4/29/2011 12:04 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 13

Hey everyone,

Looking for a new buddy or group of buddies. My last buddy turned out to not be such a great friend so no diving for me :( I got certified last summer and I’ve only logged 11 dives so far. Haven’t gotten to go near as much as I would like to. I just have OW right now although I’ve considered doing cavern and possibly cave somewhere far down the road. I just got brand new gear that’s only been used once! Help me not let it go to waste :) I have been to manatee, blue grotto, paradise, and in the ocean at west palm beach. I would love to go back to blue grotto because that has been my fav. spring dive so far. Also would like to check out devil’s den. I am down to go anytime and I make my own work schedule so I only need a weeks notice :) Anyone interested? Let’s Dive!
caves4me - 4/29/2011 7:13 PM
Yep, cavern would be good considering you’re in the heart of cave country.
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/30/2011 7:29 AM
My daughter is in Gainesville but I suspect she only goes diving when I’m paying and she won’t do caves.
caves4me - 4/30/2011 9:12 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: My daughter is in Gainesville but I suspect she only goes diving when I’m paying and she won’t do caves.

Too Funny LA! Cave diving is really a dedicated sport, it takes a lot of time, effort, skill and training to be able to cave dive safely. Even cavern diving requires a fair amount of dedication.When a individual feels uncomfortable or has no interest in cave diving, then the best decision is not to dive caves. 
littlestar1157 - 4/30/2011 2:09 PM
If i do decide to do cavern or anything further, that is def awhile down the road for me. Not ready to spend all my money on scuba just yet haha. My only goal right now is to find a good OW buddy and I’ll see what happens from there.
caves4me - 4/30/2011 2:30 PM
From littlestar1157: If i do decide to do cavern or anything further, that is def awhile down the road for me. Not ready to spend all my money on scuba just yet haha. My only goal right now is to find a good OW buddy and I’ll see what happens from there.

You shouldn’t have any problems finding a good OW buddy, there’s a lot of Dive Buddy members in Florida.

LatitudeAdjustment - 4/30/2011 4:09 PM
From caves4me:
From LatitudeAdjustment: My daughter is in Gainesville but I suspect she only goes diving when I’m paying and she won’t do caves.

Too Funny LA! Cave diving is really a dedicated sport, it takes a lot of time, effort, skill and training to be able to cave dive safely. Even cavern diving requires a fair amount of dedication.When a individual feels uncomfortable or has no interest in cave diving, then the best decision is not to dive caves. 

Did Blue Spring once, sorry but I like coral, what lives in it and pretty fishes!
littlestar1157 - 4/30/2011 4:40 PM
well so far no luck, still trying to talk some friends into doing it with me. I got certified last summer on a whim and had no idea I would fall in love with it and take to it so well. I do love the ocean best, chasing the fish and taking pictures, but it’s a little far for me to go as often. I do like the caverns I have been in though. The way the light filters in, so pretty, even if there aren’t many fish to chase or as much to look at.
Indiana - 4/30/2011 8:46 PM

Try going to the search members at the top and find out who lives near you and send them a message .Also look for a dive club near you.Most aren’ t a big commitment.Good luck and dive safe
scubadmike - 5/01/2011 5:16 PM
If you are ever down near Vero /Jupiter E-Mail me I love diving the east coast ..
SaintsReturn - 5/01/2011 11:22 PM
Hit me up anytime. I have dove several of the Florida Springs and really want to do the grotto sometime. I live in NWF and travel through central Fl as much as possible. Good luck
MDiver429 - 5/02/2011 2:36 PM
i live in high springs florida i’m working on my cave cert now but ill still do open water dives... i’ll go to devils den with ya and i know of some other good open water areas :) my email is phone number 610.310.8210
fv195 - 5/04/2011 10:47 PM
I’ll do blue grotto with you next month, got to put a new trans in my car this month so money is tight
kpetro - 5/05/2011 10:18 PM
Wish I had seen this last week, we were just at Ginnie all weekend. We go every year, I’ll have to let you know next time, you’re welcome to dive with us.