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Gainesville, Fl.
SDBR - 4/08/2013 8:33 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

NAUI Instructor. Diving since 1967, no less than 5,000 dives. NAUI Outstanding Service Award 2011. Local, distant diving is fine. Have Passport, will travel! LOL!
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/09/2013 3:23 AM
I assume it’s not for that gator filled lake by the bat house, that’s where you send the PADI newbies :)
Legasea - 4/13/2013 12:42 PM
Hi, would you happen to be aniwhere near tampa/ St. Petersburg/ Clearwater FL betveen April 19-23? :) if you are, let me know. I’m from Houston TX,, and going to florida strictly to dive. I’m shooting for 8-10 dives between saturday and Monday before noon. I’m flying out Tuesday afternoon. Beata
SDBR - 4/14/2013 8:48 AM
Hello, Beata! Thanks for the contact. I am abt 3 hours or so from the Tampa area. I am booked for the 20th and 21st. Perhaps we could hook up in the future. You’ll find my business card in the photo part of my profile. Hope to hear from ya again. Would also like to hear info from ya about how the dives were. Bill