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Divemaster to Dive instructor
naturewalker - 12/15/2010 6:16 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 14

What are the possiblities of creating a forum for Divemasters thru Dive Instructors only to be able communicate (discuss topics, training, etc....)
Greg - 12/16/2010 9:17 AM
We have a Training category...I’d suggest using that one. Divemaster to Instructor is a little to specific if you ask me. But if enough of you want it, I’ll do it.
RAWalker - 12/19/2010 2:04 AM


I believe what the OP was asking is if a moderated forum could be formed that would not be accessible to all users only those in the pro ranks after a request for access and being verified as a Divermaster or above.

Maybe as a Club with it’s own forum section? Maybe all clubs could have their own section of forums?
SCUBASMITTY - 12/21/2010 12:17 PM
From RAWalker:


I believe what the OP was asking is if a moderated forum could be formed that would not be accessible to all users only those in the pro ranks after a request for access and being verified as a Divermaster or above.

Maybe as a Club with it’s own forum section? Maybe all clubs could have their own section of forums?

divebuddy is, I believe, a forum for ALL divers to learn from others experience’s from the just certified to the consummate professional, if you try to secularize classes of the mass’s you take that away from the SPIRIT of this web site.I can - but choose NOT to become a dive instructor for two personal reason’s (1 I am not patient enough,nor tolerant enough to deal with the general public, (2 the arrogance of SOME dive instructor’s has turned into a competition of who know’s more,who’s better then who, and it hurts the sport in general, I know of 4 people who each of them with different instructors have been turned off from diving because of the SUPERIOR EGO during and after they’r training.-to suggest an INSTRUCTORS ONLY club would widen this division and defeat the SPIRIT of divebuddy...
slippin2darknezz - 12/23/2010 10:45 AM
I could not agree with you more there Smitty. I read the forum and just could not think of the right words to convey what you just said...Bravo..
hoofpick - 12/24/2010 7:25 PM
Smitty you said it just right!
RAWalker - 12/25/2010 2:58 AM
I agree that the point is to learn from one another but the fact is that there is a division between those that are recreational divers and those that have paid their dues and attained professional level certifications. There are some issues that those outside the pro ranks don’t need to have access to. There are some things pros need to discuss with other pros. We can do it privately in PM but a group discussion could be useful to us and in the long run of benefit to students and the divers we work with. This isn’t about creating division it’s about maintaining professionalism. For instance it wouldn’t be good to discuss a problem with a particular student in front of his peers but getting ideas to help a student from another instructor is of benefit.
slippin2darknezz - 12/25/2010 10:44 AM
I recall a forum topic that came up from a dive instructor in regards to a student and a medical condition..although not everyone who chimmed in on it was a dive instructor..some were professional medical people who were able to offer up some insight that maybe a dive instructor could not. Either way..what is a doctor without his patient, a waitress without their customer, a dive instructor without their student..Any professional in any profession would never want to create a divide between them and their cannot exist without the other..I see where a group has been created for dive professional..we’ll see how it works out.
MAC431 - 12/27/2010 10:33 AM
I agree with Walker that there are just some things that professionals like to bounce off of each other that the general public does not need to see. It also gives DM’s, AI’s & Instructors and opportunity to lean from one another thru each others experiences. I think a good title would be Dive Professionals Group.
RAWalker - 12/28/2010 9:20 PM

In response to this thread I’ve started a new club on called Recreational Dive Professionals (RDP)

Comments on it’s page will only be visible to club members.

Membership is open to Divemaster and above.

Proof of status is required.
SCUBASMITTY - 12/28/2010 9:53 PM
From RAWalker:

In response to this thread I’ve started a new club on called Recreational Dive Professionals (RDP)

Comments on it’s page will only be visible to club members.

Membership is open to Divemaster and above.

Proof of status is required.

RAWalker - 12/29/2010 12:36 AM

It really proves nothing more than the Pros find a spot for discussions among themselves to be useful.

I’m sorry you feel excluded but that is what clubs are about inclusion and exclusion. Clubs have been a part of for a long time. If you want to be included feel free to invest your time, energy and dollars to meet the criteria and attain pro status yourself.
slippin2darknezz - 12/30/2010 5:46 AM that I think about it, it probably would be a great idea to start a group for Dive emergency professionals to have a group and bounce different rescue scenarios off each other. I am sure there are some things divers do and techniques used to rescue them that the general public just doesnt need to know about. Then again maybe a group for technical divers..or even one for commercial divers who make the big bucks bottom walking..humm..the possibilities are endless..
dtkb - 12/30/2010 9:40 AM
I’m a Divemaster and while I worked hard to get there I have to tell you, I absolutely LOVE new divers! I do everything I can to include them in fun dives where usually only our staff show up. I don’t believe in creating a division but I also don’t think this club will create that. New divers need to be given only enough information to get them going until they are comfortable in the water. I know a few new divers that quit diving right after certification because their instructor kept overloading them with information to the point that even though they were great divers on their check out dives were too worried they were doing something wrong and were to scared of all the possible dangers that the instructor gave them. There is a LOT of information out there that really only apply to dive professionals that don’t need to be broadcasted to new diver... it would only get them too focused on information to enjoy diving.. and as we all know: Life would just suck without diving
SCUBASMITTY - 1/06/2011 2:25 PM

Your Latest Poll View messages to/from this member. 
I’m guessing the results of your latest poll are not what you were expecting?
It sounds like you have little respect for instuctors can I ask why?
I myself have found the mix of instructors to be something like 65/35 those I respect to those I wouldn’t miss. Some are always better than others but the 35% are just full $#%&. The majority I find knowledgeable people dedicated to passing on their enjoyment of the sport.
I was under the impression that you were friends with Joe and Justin.
Happy New Year,
Rob Walker (END MESSAGE)

FIRST OFF you must think that there is some sort of competition/ justification issue with my survey,FAR FROM IT! the survey was to find out what others thought of this subject. to ass-u-me otherwise is pure speculation on your part,- you see, this is how information is exchanged by the general public..

as far as my respect for dive instructors is concerned, I had a fantastic/hilarious instructor that made my learning experience very enjoyable and entertaining as well as informative,- it was as fun and instructive as PADI said it would be to learn this sport. BUT after meeting and seeing how other dive instructors treated there charges I realized just how blessed I was to have been instructed by a true PRO. I worked on a dive vessel in Oahu and have dived around other instructors enough to have MY PERSONAL OPINION. respect is EARNED but when it is EXPECTED due to one’s "status" it is a folly !

I am against ANY group/organization that condones limiting knowledge to a chosen few to protect they’re "status" as I have stated, I chose NOT to be an instructor, but I still would like to learn through experience, debate, surveys,forum’s, as much as I possibly can about this sport,-has it EVER occurred to you that the information the VERIFIED INSTRUCTORS ONLY ELITE so arbitrarily throw around amongst themselves MIGHT have been of life saving value to us noninstructors BEFORE we got into trouble ????

as far as my friendship with joe and justin is concerned, they have EARNED my respect , for you to suggest that I have some animosity towards them simply because they are instructors/ course director is assumptive and childish....... I have enjoyed this DEBATE with you and hope to have many more, regardless of our PERSONAL opinions on any subject now or in the future I would still dive with you,!